
The spirit and the bride say, “Come.”
Whoever hears this should also say, “Come.”
Anyone who’s thirsty to live forever should come. Anyone who wants it can take the water that gives life free of charge. (Rev 22:17 OET-RV)

The Bible translation and this website are each separately licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence.

Future plans

For now we are retaining a licence that requires attribution, etc. until the project design and the text is somewhat finalised, stablised, and recognised. However, having to keep track of author credits, etc., adds a burden (albeit small) to users, and so in the future, we plan to place this work in the public domain. So we hereby announce that as soon as any translated Bible book has been published at or above v1.0 for two years, that book is to be placed into the public domain. Or alternatively, upon the death of the principle translator or two years of inaction on the project repository (whichever is soonest), the entire work is to be placed into the public domain.


Any volunteers must agree in writing in advance that their work will become the property of, and thus also made publicly available under an open licence and put into the public domain in the future. Of course we’re happy to credit any contributors (unless they request otherwise).


The Open English Translation of the Bible is copyright © 2010-2024

This website is copyright © 2022-2024

Publication Guidelines

The OET is offered under an open license that means that you can copy, use, and even print it without even requesting permission. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s not copyrighted—it is, and our copyright and attribution should be displayed in your publication or on your website, e.g., “This Open English Translation of the Bible is copyright © 2010-2024 by and used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence. The source files are available at https://OpenEnglishTranslation.Bible and at and were downloaded on such-and-such-a-date.”

If you wish to change or adapt the OET, you can also do that except that now you must change its name, e.g., “This work was adapted from the Open English Translation of the Bible, copyright © 2010-2024 by and used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence. Those original source files are available at https://OpenEnglishTranslation.Bible and at and were last downloaded on such-and-such-a-date.”
Then because the OET licence is a ‘share-alike’ licence, you must also make your derived work available on the same terms.